Some helpful information to assist our communities.
Report to Police
If someone is in danger or an incident is happening now, call 111 immediately.
If an incident has already happened and no one is in immediate danger, report it online by visiting: This will ensure the matter is logged and appropriately assigned. Once a report is received a case number will be issued and this can be referenced for monitoring the progress of a complaint.
Responding to hate crimes and incidents
If you, your friends or whānau have experienced abuse, violence, threats, or intimidation motivated by hostility or prejudice, it is extremely important that you report it.
You can report a hate crime or incident online using 105 non-emergency report or by calling 105. To report anonymously, use Crime Stoppers or you can make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission.
The following link provides guidance on reporting Hate Crimes, online Violent Extremism and harmful digital content. (available in 27 different languages).
The attached PDF resources can also be shared to guide your community on reporting.